Daily Archives: December 31, 2012

2012 Year Review

Just had a look back at my list of things to achieve for 2012.

How did it go?

1. Finish editing Etiquette.
We made the 10th February deadline and the film played at BAFTA in February. This was a fantastic experience! One thing outstanding is that I need to produce a proper DVD (apologies to anyone still waiting). I’ve spent a fair bit of time creating bonus material (eg. several versions of the film to show its evolution, image galleries, interview clips, plus a making of documentary). Hopefully the extra wait is going to be worth it.

2. To do more editing/composing.
This I feel particularly happy about. I smashed last year’s record of a lowly three tracks (of which I only really liked one). This year on average I’ve composed over a track per month. Plus I’ve edited and scored Legacy (aka. the short formerly known as Dad).

3. More camera tests (eg. lighting, green-screen and special effects).
Generally on this one, I’ll admit failure. I haven’t done nearly enough experimenting. Perhaps this will be the focus for 2013. I did get to play with a Black Magic Camera earlier in the month however.

4. To make at least one other short.
Spare Change filled this gap. Okay, the original time-lines did slide drastically, but we got there! This is now in the same as Etiquette last year (ie. a rough cut in need of finalising). I also spent time helping Sean Langton make his debut (as co-producer).

5. To find an elusive feature to consider.
Still looking! Any offers?

6. To continue blogging and networking.
The 10 questions interview only happened once. I should perhaps concentrate on this more. However I have continued blogging and networking, so I’m going to claim overall success.

7. To remain being a good Dad to the kids whilst doing all of this.
Obviously this is highly subjective. My children continue to be a constant source of delight and inspiration. Admittedly they sap up the majority of my time and energy – yet I find the benefits tremendously rewarding!

The other big change (feeding into the point above) is that I’m now working a four day week in my day-to-day job. This has not been an easy transition by any means, but it does allow me to spend more time with family whilst they are still young. Ultimately I am hoping it will allow me to take on some additional film-work.

So to sign off for 2012, I wish all readers of this blog the very best for 2013 – I hope  you all have a great one!!

Below there is an overview of the things this blog has covered during 2012:



March 2012:

April 2012:

May 2012:

June 2012:

July 2012:

August 2012:

September 2012:

October 2012:

November 2012:

December 2012: